

Livelihoods RC training

TRAINING - Livelihoods Resource Centre


To strengthen capacities for effective livelihoods programming, LRC provides face-to-face and online training opportunities in English, Spanish, and French for those who want to improve their technical abilities and consolidate knowledge in this area. All our training is open to members of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and other organizations, stakeholders, and anyone interested in this thematic area.

LRC has developed a Learning & Technical Skills Framework in Livelihoods Programming to identify the essential abilities and knowledge that can be acquired through our training courses. To find more about LRC learning framework click here 


FIRST SEMESTER 2024 - Online courses from March to June - FINALISED

SECOND SEMESTER 2024 - Online courses from October to December - Registration will open in SEPTEMBER



Basics of Livelihoods



Livelihoods Programming Course - LPC

Online instructor-led courses and Face-to-face training

Livelihoods Programming Course - LPC 

This course aims to provide project managers and field staff of the RCRC Movement with a combination of theory and practice of livelihoods programming to identify and design livelihood interventions. The course is based on the IFRC Livelihoods Guidelines and Livelihoods Resource Centre's Toolbox. 

Cash Transfer Programming Course - CTP (IFRC) 

This training, based on the IFRC Guidelines for Cash Transfer Programming and the Cash in Emergencies Toolkit, combines theoretical contents with practical individual exercises and group sessions to provide program managers and field staff with a basis of knowledge and practice for cash-based interventions.



Livelihoods Assessment and Response Option Analysis - ERLA

Emergency and Recovery Livelihoods Assessment - ERLA

This training is based on the Household Economic Security (HES) methodology developed by the British Red Cross. It focuses on providing participants with knowledge and tools to design and carry out a livelihood needs assessment, allowing for better interventions to protect, recover, and strengthen livelihoods. HES findings can feed into response options analysis, economic security, and livelihoods programme design, and HES analysis supports decision-making processes. This training is offered as an online instructor-led course (ERLA I) and face-to-face training (ERLA II).

TITULO Climate-smart and Enviromentally Sustainable Livelihoods

Climate-smart and Environmentally Sustainable Livelihoods - CSL

This training aims to facilitate understanding climate change's effects on livelihoods and learning about Climate Smart Livelihoods (CSA/CSL) to enable communities to adapt and contribute to mitigating GES emissions. The training follows the steps and outlines of IFRC Climate Smart Programming in Operations Guide which refers to climate-smart as using climate information across timescales in designing and/ or adjusting all our programmes and operations. This is a face-to-face training.

TITULO Microentrepreunirship Training

Micro-entrepreneurship Programmes

This training aims to build capacities among RCRC staff and volunteers for the design and management of micro-entrepreneurship (ME) programmes and Income Generation Activities (IGA) following the Micro-entrepreneurship Programmes Toolkit Guidelines. This is a face-to-face training.

TITULO Mother's Club Approach

Mother's Club Approach

This training aims to enable participants to use effectively available tools for implementing the Mothers Club Approach that contributes to expanding livelihood interventions by strengthening the household's social, human, and financial assets. Mothers Club is a holistic approach that promotes women’s empowerment and resilience, and that of their households and communities. This is a face-to-face training.