Asset Publisher

INFO - Mothers Clubs (MCs) Approach

Mothers Clubs (MCs) Approach 


Training aim 

This training aims to enable participants to use effectively available tools for implementing the Mothers Club Approach that contributes to expanding livelihood interventions by strengthening the social, human, and financial assets of households. The MC approach is applicable in a wide range of contexts.

Course Objectives

1) Describe what MCs approach is, what is their expected impact and when and where is appropriate to implement them.

2) Apply VSLA Methodology for MCs Financial Activity.

3) MCs Community Oriented Activity 

4) MCs Income Generation Activity

5) Analyze key factors for MCs monitoring and coaching activities. 

Target audience

RC volunteers and community mobilizers who will have any responsibility supporting MCs at the community Level. 


Participants should have previous experience on community mobilization as well as training/facilitation competencies and abilities. Basic knowledge about livelihoods interventions and gender approach is highly recommended

Course language

French (English and Spanish soon)




5 days.