Mother's Club Integrated Approach - Livelihoods Centre
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The Mothers’ Club (MC) is a holistic approach that promotes women’s empowerment and resilience (and that of their households and communities). The approach is based on three components: a savings and credit component that allows MC members to save and access small credits to develop their income-generating activities or solidarity credits (in case of illness); a community awareness-raising component where women are trained and sensitised on issues of interest for the community (health, wash, nutrition, climate change, etc.); and a third component (optional) of developing a collective income-generating activity.
Since 2017, the Livelihoods Resource Center and other Red Cross Red Crescent partners are promoting the approach and creating resources and training to facilitate its implementation.
Empowering women through the MOTHERS' CLUBS

- Livelihoods Objectives: Food Security and Nutrition, Access to Market and Services,
- Cross-cutting themes: gender, associations, IGA, microcredits and micro-financing, Thematic guidelines,
- All: gender, associations, IGA, microcredits and micro-financing, Thematic guidelines,
- Organization: IFRC Livelihoods Resource Centre
- Year of publication: 2017