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Technical Toolkits

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CWB - IMG Employability Toolkit



TÍTULO - Employability Toolkit

Roadmap and Toolkit for Employability Programmes

CWB_RESUMEN_Toolkit Employability

A Roadmap & Toolkit for employability programmes to assist volunteers and staff with guidance and well-crafted tools adapted from various experiences. The toolkit is organized into three main blocks: P_Working with People, E_Working with the Environment, N_Working with Practitioners & National Societies to be implemented simultaneously, and a QUICK MENU. These tools are meant to be adaptable so that each team can create a tailored employability roadmap according to available resources, participants' profiles, and the local branch's capacities. 

Available in English.

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CWB - IMG ME Toolkit


TÍTULO - Acceso Toolkit Microemprendimiento

Micro-entrepreneurship Programmes Toolkit Guidelines


These toolkit guidelines aim to support livelihoods practitioners in programming micro-entrepreneurship (ME) interventions, providing sequential guidance and tools throughout the different stages of the process. The guidelines are structured according to the different phases of a micro-entrepreneurship programme: assessment and analysis, design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Each stage starts with a brief introduction, followed by tips and a proposal of tools for that stage.

The guidelines and toolkit are available in English and Spanish. Soon to be available in French.


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TOOLKIT - Mother's Club and Saving and Credit Groups


This toolkit aims to support the inclusion of Saving and Credit Groups (SCGs) and Mothers Clubs (MCs) Approach within Red Cross / Red Crescent community-based programs.

The toolkit includes the following approach components: Financial Activity / VSLA methodology, Community Oriented Activity and Income Generating Activities. SCGs are included within MCs toolkit as VSLA Model is the recommended methodology for MCs Financial Activity. SCGs can also be implemented on a stand-alone basis. 

The guidelines and toolkit are available in English.


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CWB - IMG Toolkit SAME Niger RC





TÍTULO - Acceso Toolkit SAME Niger RC

FSL Toolkit Niger Red Cross

CWB - Texto Intro Toolkit SAME Niger RC

The Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) toolkit aims to facilitate and harmonise Red Cross and Red Crescent National Society FSL interventions. 
The toolkit was developed in a participatory way by Niger Red Cross (NRC) FSL technicians and its national partners (including CVA or nutrition coordinators). It was developed with financial support from the British Red Cross and technical support from the IFRC-Livelihoods Centre. 

The FSL toolkit includes tested guides, sheets and forms, and is organised into general tools (FSL needs assessment, targeting, etc.) and by type of FSL intervention (support to agricultural production and livestock, IGAs, mothers' clubs, nutrition, etc.) as shown below.

The toolkit is only available in French. 

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CWB - IMG Club Madres Barkeol




TITULO - Market Analysis for Income Generating Activities for MC Barkeol, Mauritania.

Market Analysis for Income Generating Activities for Mothers' Clubs, Barkeol, Mauritania

CWB - Info Toolkit Barkeol Club Madres

The report includes the following documents: the results of the study carried out, methodology and step-by-step process of information collection, analysis and selection of IGA, and the 10 simplified business plans developed in a participatory manner with the beneficiary Mothers' Clubs. 

Available in French.

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