Help Desk Ucrania Titulo

Ukraine and impacted countries crisis

HELP DESK - Ukraine and impacted countries crisis


  • Helpdesk to provide technical support to RCRC Movement practitioners involved in the response to Ukraine and impacted countries crisis.

Contact address:


  • Provide remote technical support to livelihoods programmes implemented or to be implemented by the RC/RC Movement
  • Development of guidance documents to support decision making 
  • Provide a platform for the exchange of experience and technical information, recommendations and guidance on good practice and lessons learnt in protecting and restarting livelihoods as the crisis evolves
  • Support practitioners on advocating livelihoods actions

Services provided

  • Remote technical guidance provided by specialised FSL advisors from LRC
  • Remote technical review of FSL project documentation (assessments, response option analysis, delivery options, log frames, plans of action, and appropriate monitoring systems)
  • Working languages will be English, Spanish and French