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INFO - Climate Smart and Environmentally Sustainable Livelihoods

Climate Smart and Environmentally Sustainable Livelihoods 


Training aim 

The objective of this training is to facilitate the understanding of the effects of climate change on livelihoods (and their contributions) as well as to learn what Climate Smart Livelihoods (CSA/CSL) are to enable communities to adapt and contribute (as far as possible) to the mitigation of GES emissions.
The training follows the steps and outlines defined in the Climate Smart Programming in Operations Guide.

Course Objectives

1) what climate change is and its effects (basic concepts)
2) what livelihoods are (core concepts) and the impacts of climate change on livelihoods
3) understand what climate-smart programmes and operations are for the RC Movement 
4) identify climate-smart and environmentally sustainable livelihood strategies
5) experience the process of assessing, identifying and designing climate-smart livelihood programmes
6) know and use existing tools and resources.

Target audience

This training is aimed at people with a general understanding and/or experience in the implementation of livelihoods programmes. Profile of coordinator, project supervisor.
Possibility to adapt it to the profile of field officers and volunteers.


Livelihoods training

Course language

  • Spanish

  • English

  • French




Modular, adaptable to different audiences. Minimum duration of 3 days, with the possibility of extension to 4 days.