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Number/percentage of target population (specify group) with <access to, equal opportunities in> developing their livelihood activities (specify if necessary) through programme intervention

Number/percentage of target population (specify group) with <access to, equal opportunities in> developing their livelihood activities (specify if necessary) through programme intervention

Code: KOI-8-1
Result Level:
  • Outcome
  • Livelihoods rights policies and regulations improvement

Change in number of population getting access and equal opportunities in developing their livelihood activities. Interventions aimed to change (improve) population access, equal opportunities and rights to develop their livelihood activities in a sustainable way (decent work). • It includes all empowerment initiatives to access equal livelihood opportunities (access to vocational training, access to markets/financial systems, access and land tenancy) and rights (equal wages, decision-making changes) • It includes formalized access to basic livelihood assets such as land, electricity, water. • It includes actions to formalize the work permit situation of refugees (or other groups). It's important to specify the group who it is addressed to (e.g. women, ethnic minorities)

Disaggregated By:

Geography/Livelihoods zone; Target group: Gender, age, disabilities, chronic diseases, and any other relevant criteria, such as urban/rural context, wealth group, livelihood group (pastoralist, farmers, traders), religious, ethnic or political identities; Period to achieve the objective;

Direction of change:
  • Increase (number)
Data source:

Both secondary and primary data collection can be used according to context. • Baseline/Endline. If multiyear programme consider also a mid-term evaluation. • Secondary data. Reliable/relevant sources from other actors, clusters or government (e.g. assessment information, reference to a normal situation). Unit of Measurement: Population. If percentage: • Numerator: Number population getting access and equal opportunities to develop their livelihood activity. • Denominator: Total number of target population Data Collection methods: Secondary data analysis; Households Surveys and Focus Group Discussion; Key informant interviews; Formal ownership records; Productive organisations, MSMEs’ survey and records; Training records/reports; Employment records.

  • Livelihoods and Natural Resources Protection
  • Income Generation Activities and Employment
  • Primary production
  • Access to Market and Services
  • Livelihoods Structures and Processes
Source: LRC-1

X% of target women in rural area of Kayenzi with secure land ownership/tenancy through programme intervention. At the end of the programme X% of target land users in rural area of Kayenzi (from those Y% are women) with legally and formally secured use and disposal rights. X% of target women refugees in Gambella district with income equal or higher than national standard minimum wage. X% of target refugees (from those Y% are women) with formalized work permit through programme intervention.

Measure Notes:

Improvement of access and equal opportunities to develop livelihood activities, can be measured (depending on the programme and objectives) through: - Formal ownership and access records (land tenure, MSME ownership, credit access, etc.) - Household surveys or intra-household (checking who in the household has (a) access to/ use of, (b) control of, each asset) - Local/regional employment records - Training records - Legislation, policies, strategies changes that benefit an overall group (e.g. displaced population, minority)