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Number/percentage of target population provided with new <skills, knowledge> to <strengthen, diversify, protect> their livelihoods [specify if necessary: primary production, MSME, compete in the job market, etc.]

Number/percentage of target population provided with new <skills, knowledge> to <strengthen, diversify, protect> their livelihoods [specify if necessary: primary production, MSME, compete in the job market, etc.]

Code: KOI-5-1
Result Level:
  • Outcome
  • Gain and application of livelihoods activities knowledge

Change in number of people equipped with new skills/knowledge to strengthen, protect or diversify their livelihoods thanks to the programme/project Increase of skills/knowledge to improve/strength/launch household livelihood activities. • It includes all kind of training and capacity building activities developed by extensionist workers, organisation’s trainers, etc. • It includes skills to grow/launch a business, get a paid job, compete in job market • It includes skills / knowledge to improve primary production: staple crop, vegetable and agroforestry production, livestock, fishing and pisciculture, aquaculture, apiculture production, etc. • It includes skills/knowledge to strength target population’s micro-small or medium enterprises. Note that it's preferable to use KOI-5-2 indicator (to prove the application of acquired skills), but depending on context, project duration, kind of skills, we can use this indicator instead. Definitions: • MSME: micro, small and medium enterprises (formal or informal)

Disaggregated By:

Geography/Livelihoods zone; Gender, age, disabilities, chronic diseases, and any other relevant criteria, such as urban/rural context, religious, ethnic or political identities; Wealth groups; Livelihoods group (e.g. pastoralist, farmers, traders); Period to achieve the objective; Consider disaggregation of information by trained and non-trained households.

Direction of change:
  • Increase (number)
Data source:

Both secondary and primary data collection can be used according to context. • Baseline/Endline. If multiyear programme consider also a mid-term evaluation. • Secondary data. Reliable/relevant sources from other actors, clusters or government (e.g. assessment information). Unit of Measurement: Population (trained people). If percentage: • Numerator: Number of target population that has gained new knowledge / skills. • Denominator: Total number of trained people Data Collection methods: Secondary data analysis; Focus Group Discussion, key informant interviews. KAP (Knowledge, Attitude & Practices) survey; Pre & post training evaluation; 6-12 months after training survey;

  • Income Generation Activities and Employment
  • Primary production
  • Education Training and Capacity Building
Source: LRC-1

At the end of the project X% of target population in Gambella (from those Y% are refugees) equipped (or provided) with new skills to launch a new business. At the end of the project X% of target population in the urban area of Sidon district (from those Y% are women) provided with new skills to compete in the job market.

Measure Notes:

Measure of gained knowledge. Compare it with the required skills to develop a specific livelihood activity (educational plan, standardized extension training, etc.). This should be done by testing the whole training or each session and it should not be linked only to participants' attendance.