Asset Publisher

Number/percentage of target population <households, productive organisations, MSME> reduce their production losses by (specify how much) [specify type of production if necessary], [resulting from use of improved practices (specify practices)]

Number/percentage of target population <households, productive organisations, MSME> reduce their production losses by (specify how much) [specify type of production if necessary], [resulting from use of improved practices (specify practices)]

Code: KOI-3-2
Result Level:
  • Outcome
  • Productivity enhancement

Change in target population production losses compared to a baseline level (or normal year, same period last year, etc.) resulting from use of improved practices. Indicator focused on reducing production losses (e.g. post-harvest crop loss, herd heads) through product processing, storage and preservation improvement, use of new technologies, reduction of herd diseases). • It includes staple crop, vegetable and agroforestry production conservation/processing. • It includes livestock, fishing and pisciculture, aquaculture, apiculture, etc., veterinary and conservation support. • It includes group and individual IGA support (handicraft, by-products, primary production transformation, conservation good practices etc.), Definitions: • MSME: micro, small and medium enterprises (formal or informal) • IGA: income generation activities

Disaggregated By:

Geography/Livelihoods zone; Gender, age, disabilities, chronic diseases (for individuals, associations members, etc.); Head of household’s gender, age, disabilities, chronic diseases, dependency ratio (for households), and any other relevant criteria, such as urban/rural context, religious, ethnic or political identities; Wealth groups; Livelihoods group (e.g. pastoralist, farmers, traders); Period to achieve the objective;

Direction of change:
  • Decrease (distance)
Data source:

Both secondary and primary data collection can be used according to context. • Baseline/Endline. If multiyear programme consider also a mid-term evaluation. • Secondary data. Reliable/relevant sources from other actors, clusters or government (e.g. assessment information, reference to a normal situation). Unit of Measurement: Population, but can also be households or productive organisations, or MSME. If percentage: • Numerator: Number of target population that have reduced their production losses. • Denominator: Total number of target population Data Collection methods: Secondary data analysis; Household/productive organisations/etc. survey and Focus Group Discussion; Key informant interviews; Production monitoring reports/records

  • Income Generation Activities and Employment
  • Primary production
Source: LRC-1

X% of target gardening women associations (from those Y% belong to households with a high dependency ratio) in Kiffa province, reduce by at least Z% their production losses resulting from use of preservation and transformation practices in the first year of the programme. At the end of the project, X% of the pastoralist target households in Dawa province, reduce by at least Y% their herds’ losses thanks to improved practices.

Measure Notes:

Losses reduction threshold must be defined in advance using baseline and secondary information. For some livelihood activities this indicator is difficult to measure. For instance, if we need to compare initial and final production losses (or the losses in a normal year/period) due to the use of production processing/transformation or conservation. Otherwise, we can measure the difference in income (increase of revenues due to the sale of processed production) or the reduction in expenses in food/seeds (due to conservation of products). [Primary production] Consider seasonal calendar to determine when to measure the indicator. [Livestock, agriculture] measure the disease/pests cases before and after.