Asset Publisher

Number/percentage of target population <households, productive organisations, MSME> <stabilize, improve> their net income by (specify the improvement), [due to (specify if necessary the livelihood activities and the cause of improvement)].

Number/percentage of target population <households, productive organisations, MSME> <stabilize, improve> their net income by (specify the improvement), [due to (specify if necessary the livelihood activities and the cause of improvement)].

Code: KOI-4-1
Result Level:
  • Outcome
  • Increase and diversification of incomes

Change in number of target population stabilizing or improving their net income for a defined period (e.g. six, twelve months). Stabilizing and increasing net income indicates: improvement of productivity (primary production, IGA), improvement of market-links (value chain, sell prices), efficient application of productive/business skills (reduction of expenses), or access to new or better-paid employment. To show sustainability it is necessary that income increase or stabilization last a defined period of time (6 months, 12 months), depending on the duration of the programme. Increase of income (or stabilized income) should be preset and, if possible, referenced to wage/salary/etc. in the particular context. • It includes any type of agro based, non-agro based, or service based income generation activity. It may include market chain support, value addition or transformation etc. • It includes access to employment. • It includes strengthening of existing sources of income, or creation/diversification of sources of income. Definitions: • MSME: micro, small and medium enterprises (formal or informal) • IGA: income generation activities

Disaggregated By:

Geography/Livelihoods zone; Gender, age, disabilities, chronic diseases (for individuals, associations members, etc.); Head of household’s gender, age, disabilities, chronic diseases, dependency ratio (for households), and any other relevant criteria, such as urban/rural context, religious, ethnic or political identities; Wealth groups; Livelihoods group (e.g. pastoralist, farmers, traders); Period to achieve the objective;

Direction of change:
  • Recover, maintain or increase
Data source:

Both secondary and primary data collection can be used according to context. • Baseline/Endline. If multiyear programme consider also a mid-term evaluation. • Secondary data. Reliable/relevant sources from other actors, clusters or government (e.g. assessment information, reference to a normal situation). Unit of Measurement: Population, but can also be households or productive organisations, or MSME. If percentage: • Numerator: Number of target population that have improved/stabilized their net income. • Denominator: Total number of target population Data Collection methods: Secondary data analysis; Income records (MSME, productive organisation); Households Survey; Focus Group Discussion, key informant interviews; Depending on the source of income, consider to collect monthly records.

  • Income Generation Activities and Employment
  • Primary production
Source: LRC-1

X% of target population in Conakry urban area (from those Y% are under 26 years old) improve their net income to the national minimum wage at the end of the project.

Measure Notes:

Data collection should show the stability/increase of household income over the defined period. Measurement period and frequency depend on the income generation activity. Increase of income (or stabilized income) must be relevant. It should be preset and, if possible, referenced to wage/salary/etc. in the particular context. [primary production] Consider seasonal calendar to determine when to measure the indicator. Consider market price and labour wages according to season variations throughout the year. It is required to measure gross income + production costs both in baseline and in endline or scheduled monitoring. Net income is more accurate than gross income, because it takes into account livelihood expenses that could influence production increase and revenues/benefits (e.g. use of improved productive assets -more expensive-, or access to productive services -veterinary-) Take into consideration that measurement difficulty depends on the income generation activity.