Asset Publisher

Number/percentage of target population <households, communities, productive organisations, MSME> applying key <disaster risk reduction, natural resource management, climate change adaptation> practices (specify if necessary) to <strengthen, protect> their livelihoods.

Number/percentage of target population <households, communities, productive organisations, MSME> applying key <disaster risk reduction, natural resource management, climate change adaptation> practices (specify if necessary) to <strengthen, protect> their livelihoods.

Code: KOI-7-1
Result Level:
  • Outcome
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Natural Resources Management

Change in number of population (households, communities, productive organisations, MSME) applying key practices in DRR, NRM or CCA to strengthen and/or protect their livelihood activities Livelihood strengthening and protection through DRR, CCA and NRM includes: • The application of good productive practices to protect natural productive resources (land conservation, improvement of green cover, water collection and water use improvement, embankments) • The creation of household or community infrastructures to protect livelihood assets against natural or human hazards (e.g. livestock shelters, seeds banks) • The use or adaptation of agriculture production and livestock to climate/weather conditions (drought adapted seeds, etc.) • Initiatives or projects that reduce or eliminate negative or damaging production practices (climate change mitigation, reduction/elimination of over exploitation of natural resources, etc.) • The use of insurances to cope with primary production/productive assets losses (e.g. drought prone areas) • The use of destocking techniques • Other community/group initiatives to protect their livelihood assets and production (e.g. disaster risk reduction actions, surveillance mechanisms) Definitions: • MSME: micro, small and medium enterprises (formal or informal) • DRR: disaster risk reduction • NRM: Natural Resources Management refers to the sustainable utilization of major natural resources, such as land, water, air, minerals, forests, fisheries, and wild flora and fauna. Together, these resources provide the ecosystem services that underpin human life. • CCA: Climate Change Adaptation refers to the adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities.

Disaggregated By:

Geography/Livelihoods zone; Gender, age, disabilities, chronic diseases (for individuals, associations members, etc.); Head of household’s gender, age, disabilities, chronic diseases, dependency ratio (for households), and any other relevant criteria, such as urban/rural context, religious, ethnic or political identities; Wealth groups; Livelihoods group (e.g. pastoralist, farmers, traders); Period to achieve the objective;

Direction of change:
  • Increase (number)
Data source:

Both secondary and primary data collection can be used according to context. • Baseline/Endline. If multiyear programme consider also a mid-term evaluation. • Secondary data. Reliable/relevant sources from other actors, clusters or government (e.g. assessment information, reference to a normal situation). Unit of Measurement: Population, but can also be households, communities, productive organisations, or MSME. If percentage: • Numerator: Number population applying key DRR/CCA/NRM practices. • Denominator: Total number of target population Data Collection methods: Secondary data analysis; Households Surveys and Focus Group Discussion; Key informant interviews; Productive organisations, MSMEs’ survey and records; Observation.

  • Income Generation Activities and Employment
  • Primary production
Source: LRC-1

At the end of the project X% of target households in the pastoralist area of Finshawa (applying key disaster risk reduction practices) are able to prevent depletion (protect) of their productive assets X target gardening women associations from Mafateng district applying at least 2 key practices key to strengthen and protect their livelihoods and natural resources At the end of the project the 100% of target gardening women associations from Mafateng district have their basins/water tanks built or rehabilitated and with an internal maintenance system X target communities from Mafateng district (applying disaster risk reduction practices) adopting structural measures (e.g. embankments, flood diversion channels, water-harvesting tanks) in place to protect against major hazard threats.

Measure Notes:

Measurement of application of DRR, CCA and/or NRM good practices must be linked with project/programme definition, listing what good practices are being promoted. Typical approaches look at "X out of Y key practices" that drive community/household livelihood activities protection (or strengthening). Consider referring to potential DRR/CCA/NRM practices or projects that are setting up by the Government or other organisations in the area, as a mean to harmonize ongoing approaches in the same geographical area. To facilitate the measuring process: list the good practices that are going to be promoted through the project/programme and name the expected impact in livelihood protection and strengthening. Both should be included in the baseline.