Asset Publisher

Number/percentage of target population "households, productive organisations, MSME" reduce their production losses by (specify how much) [specify type of production if necessary], [resulting from use of "improved practices" (specify practices)]

Number/percentage of target population < households, productive organisations, MSME > reduce their production losses by (specify how much) [specify type of production if necessary], [resulting from use of < improved practices > (specify practices)]

Code: KOI-3-2
Result Level:
  • Outcome
  • Productivity enhancement

Change in target population production losses compared to a baseline level (or normal year, same period last year, etc.) resulting from use of improved practices.

Indicator focused on reducing production losses (e.g. post-harvest crop loss, herd heads) through product processing, storage and preservation improvement, use of new technologies, reduction of herd diseases).

  • It includes staple crop, vegetable and agroforestry production conservation/processing.
  • It includes livestock, fishing and pisciculture, aquaculture, apiculture, etc., veterinary and conservation support.
  • It includes group and individual IGA support (handicraft, by-products, primary production transformation, conservation good practices etc.),


  • MSME: micro, small and medium enterprises (formal or informal)
  • IGA: income generation activities
Disaggregated By:
  • Geography/Livelihood zone;
  • Gender, age, disabilities, chronic diseases (for individuals, associations members, etc.);
  • Head of household’s gender, age, disabilities, chronic diseases, dependency ratio (for households), and any other relevant criteria, such as urban/rural context, religious, ethnic or political identities;
  • Wealth groups; Livelihood group (e.g. pastoralist, farmers, traders);
  • Period to achieve the objective;
Direction of change:
  • Decrease (distance)
Data source:

Both secondary and primary data collection can be used according to context.

  • Baseline/Endline. If multiyear programme consider also a mid-term evaluation.
  • Secondary data. Reliable/relevant sources from other actors, clusters or government (e.g. assessment information, reference to a normal situation).

Unit of Measurement: Population, but can also be households or productive organisations, or MSME. If percentage:

  • Numerator: Number of target population that have reduced their production losses.
  • Denominator: Total number of target population

Data Collection methods:

  • Secondary data analysis;
  • Household/productive organisations/etc. survey and focus group discussions;
  • Key informant interviews;
  • Production monitoring reports/records
  • Income Generation Activities and Employment
  • Primary production

X% of target gardening women associations (from those Y% belong to households with a high dependency ratio) in Kiffa province, reduce by at least Z% their production losses resulting from use of preservation and transformation practices in the first year of the programme. At the end of the project, X% of the pastoralist target households in Dawa province, reduce by at least Y% their herds’ losses thanks to improved practices.

Measure Notes: