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Multi-Risk Assessment of Climate and Security Impacts on Livelihoods in MALI
Multi-Risk Assessment of Climate and Security Impacts on Livelihoods in MALI

In Mali, as in the rest of the Sahel, food insecurity and malnutrition are driven by multiple factors, including civil insecurity—stemming from conflicts over natural resource access and socio-political upheavals—and increasingly frequent and severe climatic shocks. These issues significantly impact the livelihoods of the population, who primarily depend on subsistence livestock and agricultural production. Consequently, this leads to displacement, mass migration (contributing to further pressure and over-exploitation of already fragile natural resources), and increased dependence on humanitarian aid for the most vulnerable populations.

Within the framework of the Pilot Programmatic Partnership (PPP) funded by ECHO, the Malian Red Cross (MRC), in coordination with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Danish Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross, and Luxembourg Red Cross, is working to provide an effective response to communities in need. Their goal is to build resilience by protecting existing livelihoods and rehabilitating those that have been lost.

These four reports present the findings from assessments conducted in four regions of Mali: Ségou, Gao, Mopti, and Tombouctou. They examine the impact of climate and security risks on livelihoods, identify adaptation measures, and highlight the main challenges. Documents only available in French.


Rapport Evaluation CSL SEGOU

Rapport Evaluation CSL GAO

Rapport Evaluation CSL MOPTI

Rapport Evaluation CSL TOMBOUCTOU



  • Livelihoods Objectives: Food Security and Nutrition,
  • Cross-cutting themes: climate change, rural, EW/EA - DRR, protection, Evaluations,
  • All: climate change, rural, EW/EA - DRR, protection, Evaluations,
  • Organization: Livelihoods Resource Centre
  • Year of publication: 2023
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