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INFO - Cash Transfer Programming Course

Cash Transfer Programming Course

Short description

The purpose of the training is to train National Societies, program managers and field staff of the IFRC and other organizations to know when and how to use a Cash Transfer Program, mainly focused on emergency contexts, but also at other moments.

The training is organized in 8 sessions (plus a presentation session on the virtual campus at the beginning, and one to evaluate the training at the end).

Course Objectives

  • Promoting a common understanding of the concepts of Cash Transfer Programming, especially in emergency settings, associated terminology and frames.

  • Encourage critical thinking to discern when the Cash Transfer Programming is the most appropriate tool to attend people’s need, compared to in kind distributions.

  • Understand how to apply the specificities of Cash Transfer Programming throughout the project cycle.

Target audience

Staff and volunteers from SN of the RC / RC, IFRC and other organizations working in the field and also decision makers that need to use cash transfer programs for their activities.

It is a prerequisite to have completed the introductory course on cash transfer programs available on the IFRC training platform:

Course language

  • Spanish

  • English

  • French



Online instructor-led


50 hours