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Titulo Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion

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Titulo Toolkits


CWB Texto Toolkit Mother Clubs /CDM

Toolkit Saving Groups (SCGs) and Mother Clubs Approach

This toolkit aims to support the inclusion of Saving and Credit Groups (SCGs) and Mothers Clubs (MCs) Approach within Red Cross / Red Crescent community-based programs.

The toolkit includes the following approach components: Financial Activity / VSLA methodology, Community Oriented Activity and Income Generating Activities. SCGs are included within MCs toolkit as VSLA Model is the recommended methodology for MCs Financial Activity. SCGs can also be implemented on a stand-alone basis. 

Find more about the Mother's Club Approach

The guidelines and toolkit are available in English. Soon to be available in French and Spanish.

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CWB Texto Toolkit Barkeol Mauritania

Market Analysis for Income Generating Activities for Mothers' Clubs of Barkeol, Mauritania.

The report includes: the results of the study carried out, and the methodology, step by step of the process of information collection, analysis and selection of IGA, as well as for the elaboration of the ten (10) simplified business plans in a participatory manner with the beneficiary groups (Mothers' Clubs). 

Only available in French for the moment. To be available in English and Spanish soon.

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CWB Portada Toolkit Mother Clubs - SG





CWB Portada Toolkit Barkeol - Mauritania