Asset Publisher

Livelihood productive assets/infrastructures (specify) <restored to, improved from, built> [if necessary, specify the reference period for comparison <pre disaster level, baseline level>]

Livelihood productive assets/infrastructures (specify) [if necessary, specify the reference period for comparison

Code: KOI-2-2
Result Level:
  • Outcome
  • Ownership and access to productive assets
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Natural Resources Management
Disaggregated By:

Geography/Livelihoods zone; Wealth groups; Livelihoods group (e.g. pastoralist, farmers, traders); Period to achieve the objective;

Direction of change:
  • Remain stable or increase
Data source:

Both secondary and primary data collection can be used according to context. • Baseline/Endline. If multiyear programme consider also a mid-term evaluation. • Secondary data. Reliable/relevant sources from other actors, clusters or government (e.g. assessment information, reference to a normal situation). Unit of Measurement: Depending on the livelihood infrastructure/asset (e.g. forest ha, coastline metre-kilometre, number of water sources) Data Collection methods: Secondary data analysis; Livelihood infrastructure recovery measure; Households Surveys and Focus Group Discussion; Key informant interviews.

  • Livelihoods and Natural Resources Protection
  • Income Generation Activities and Employment
  • Primary production
Source: LRC-1 WG-1 gFSC-1 gFSC-2 gFSC-4 HR-1 IFRC-1 IFRC-5

At the end of the project X ha of agricultural land in Mahama sector restored to pre disaster level. X km of irrigation channels in rural area of Kirehe district restored and improved from base-line level. X cooperative warehouses built in Kihere district at the end of the project

Measure Notes:

Measure of infrastructures build/rebuild, ha of recovered land/forestry areas, metres of recovered/improved irrigation channels, etc. Depending on the type of intervention, the change should be measured using technical methods. It is important to define how to measure the change/improvement before using the indicator. For example, if we want to measure the number of hectares recovered after floods, it's necessary to define in advance the recovery techniques (e.g. cleaning up of crop lands, construction-reconstruction of terraces and embankments).