Asset Publisher

INFO - Urban Cash Transfer Programming and Livelihoods

Urban Cash Transfer Programming and Livelihoods E- learning

Short description

This one hour course addresses the specificities of cash transfer programming for livelihoods in urban environments. The course explores case studies and experiences from a number of organizations enabling users to deepen their knowledge on cash transfer programming in urban environments.

Course Objetives

The course covers the following topics:

  • Key concepts including what is different about humanitarian programming in urban contexts and why cash is an appropriate tool.

  • Different approaches to cash transfer programming to achieve livelihoods objectives in urban environments.

  • Opportunities and challenges that practitioners should be aware of when delivering cash responses in urban areas, sharing lessons and experiences from a number of emergency contexts

Target audience

The course is address to a range of stakeholders including humanitarian organizations, international organizations, governments and private sector actors.

Course language




The course is designed to be completed in 1 hour.


The course is available in the formation Platform of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent and CaLP