
Livelihoods Centre Training External training



External training

The IFRC Livelihoods Resource Centre recommends training courses from other humanitarian agencies, universities and specialised United Nations agencies, such as: the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Kimmage Development Studies Centre, Sussex University, Harvard Kennedy School, or the International Training Centre of ILO. They offer a wide range of on-line and face-to-face training, and even Masters Courses, in different formats and languages.

CWB external trainings

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) – The Fundamentals

This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and will help you to begin understanding it. No knowledge of CVA is required to participate in this course, so if you are a complete beginner don't worry, you are in the right place! 

By the end of the course you'll be able to:

* Define cash transfer programming, including key terminology and definitions, and state principles for good practice in CVA
* Describe modalities, delivery mechanisms and different tools for cash and voucher assistance
* Define preconditions for implementation of cash and voucher assistance
* Explain the relevance of cash and voucher assistance in different humanitarian contexts and advocate for CVA to a variety of stakeholders
* List the key steps and associated tasks for cash and voucher assistance in the humanitarian project cycle
* Identify the roles and responsibilities of different staff functions in the CVA project cycle.

Organization: CaLP

Type: online

Course language: en es fr ar

FAO e-learning Academy

FAO e-learning Academy offers learning opportunities and multilingual e-learning courses for professionals working in food and nutrition security, social and economic development, and sustainable management of natural resources in a range of formats, including elearning courses for self-paced learning, blended learning programmes, massive open online courses (MOOCs), technical webinars, online tutored courses, mobile learning, face-to-face training workshops and university masters and postgraduate degree programmes.

Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Type: face-to-face / online

Course language: Multilingual

International Training Centre - ILO 

The Centre promotes the use of ILO tools, such as the Know About Business and Start and Improve Your Business training programmes, to help entrepreneurs achieve sustainable enterprise development.

Active employment policies boost decent living standards, social and economic integration, personal fulfillment, and social development. They also strengthen employment analysis and research, employment-intensive investment, and employment policy formulation.

Organization: International Training Centre of the ILO

Type: face-to-face / online

Course language: es en fr


The Tools & Training section of Marketlinks contains a set of recommended online courses and other useful resources that enhance knowledge and skills for students and development practitioners.

Organization: USAID

Type: online

Course language: en

My.COOP - Managing your agricultural cooperative

The objective of this training of trainers (TOT) course is to enable existing and potential managers of agricultural cooperatives to identify and address major challenges that are specific to cooperatives in market-oriented agricultural development.

Organization: ITC/ILO The International Labour Organization (International Training Centre ITC)

Type: online

Course language: es en fr

Food Security Information for Action

The e-learning curriculum brings together twelve (12) courses developed as part of the EC/FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme to support capacity development and on-the-job training at regional, national food security information systems and networks.

Organization: Based at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and funded by the European Union's "Food Security Thematic Programme (FSTP)

Type: online

Course language: en

Climate Change and Food Security

This course provides an overview of the impacts of climate change on food security. It also introduces climate-smart agriculture and practices that contribute to climate change adaptation, mitigation, food security and development.

Organization: This course is funded by the European Commission and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization.

Type: online 

Duration: 3.5 hours

Course language: es en fr

Sustainable Livelihoods and Climate Change Adaptation

This course aims to provide participants with a critical understanding of the key concepts, principles and tools of the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach in development planning and climate change adaptation contexts.

Organization: Kimmage Development Studies Centre

Type: face to face 

Duration: 25 hours. 5 credits.

Course language: en

MA Agriculture and Rural Development 

The MA Agriculture and Rural Development offers cutting-edge insights and skills on the linkages between agriculture and rural development. As these topics have moved back to the top of the international development agenda, the Masters provides first-class training on how agriculture can contribute to poverty alleviation and rural development in low income countries.

Organization: University of East anglia, UK

Type: face to face 

Course language: en

CRISTAL Training events

CRiSTAL is a project-planning tool that helps users design activities that support climate adaptation (i.e., adaptation to climate variability and change) at the community level. CRiSTAL stands for “Community-basedRisk Screening Tool – Adaptation andLivelihoods.”

Course language: en

Livelihoods Connect (LC)

Livelihoods Connect aims to provide researchers, policy-makers and development practitioners with up-to-date, diverse and credible information on the application of livelihoods approaches to development, research, policy and practice.
Originally a learning platform for the UK Department for International Development (DFID), over recent years Livelihoods Connect’s mandate has widened beyond the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework promoted by DFID.

Organization: Livelihoods Connect, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RE

Type: online

Course language: en

Food Security Policies - Formulation and Implementation

This course describes Food Security Policies and explains when and why they are required. The course also describes the process of Food Security Policy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Organization: Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations

Duration: 3 hours

Assessing Impact of Development Programmes on Food Security

The online course provides a comprehensive yet readily accessible source of guidance for assessing impact of food security programmes. It brings together the latest information on impact assessment from numerous guidelines and presents it within the context of large scale food security programmes. The focus is on large scale programmes but the methods and approaches described in the course are equally applicable to smaller food security projects.

Organization: FAO in collaboration with Wageningen University & Research Centre for Development Innovation

Type: online

Course language: en

A Primer to the Right to Adequate Food – FAO, E-Learning Course

The course introduces the principles and concept of the human right to adequate food and its practical application. The course also provides an overview of the historical development of this human right, the human rights based approach to development, recourse mechanisms, the Right to Food Guidelines and describes the rights, obligations and responsibilities of rights-holders and duty-bearers of the right to food.

Organization: FAO

Type: online

Course language: es en fr

Integrated Food Security Phase Classification

The course provides an overview of the IPC approach as well as guidance on how to use IPC components.

Organization: FAO

Type: online

Duration: 3 hours

Communicating for Food Security

The course provides guidance on how to design and implement a communication strategy for food security information. Using several realistic examples, the course illustrates the various components of a communication strategy, and provides concrete and detailed guidelines on how to communicate through the media and how to present information to policymakers in order to influence the policymaking process.

Organization: FAO

Type: online