Youth engagement

Youth engagement

Youth engagement

Youth is one of the key priorities for the present and future of the region and this has been pointed out by the Mediterranean National Societies in each of the Mediterranean Conferences, reiterating its commitment to encourage greater participation of young people, as key agents for transformation.

CWB - Introducción Juventud

The Centre for Cooperation in the Mediterranean supports actions to promote youth leadership; youth engagement at operational, strategic and decision-making levels, based on a culture of non-violence and peace and peer-to-peer collaboration.

The Mediterranean Youth Camp of the RC/RC - Atlantis - is its greatest exponent. As annual encounter for young people, Atlantis aims to build capacity, facilitate the exchange of experiences, strengthen competencies and encourage the commitment of young people as agents of social change.


Main activities

  • Youth as Agents of Behavioural Change (YABC) project. YABC is an IFRC’s flagship initiative on the promotion of a culture of non-violence and peace which stimulates a personal reflection and positioning on thematic issues as discrimination, empathy, resilience, critical thinking, and horizontal leadership. YABC is rooted in a participant-centred, experiential learning approach. It also relies on a non-cognitive methodology. The Centre also supports the network of trainers in the Mediterranean region and is currently in the process of digitalisation, with the development of gamified tools.

  • Development of leadership skills training through interpersonal relationships based on communication, cooperation and trust

  • Exchange of experiences for the promotion of youth-led actions on different topics such as climate change, awareness raising on human trafficking, gender and diversity, design thinking, digitalisation and communication.

  • Networking, in particular with European and MENA youth networks.

History of Atlantis

Atlantis was first conceived in 2004, during the 9th Mediterranean Conference held in Cairo, when the 25 member National Societies agreed on the proposal of the Italian Red Cross regarding the establishment of a common space where young volunteers from the Mediterranean could meet, exchange ideas, propose initiative, and discuss humanitarian issues.

Since the first edition in 2005, 848 young people have participated, and Atlantis has consolidated itself as a referential meeting point to bring together young volunteers from across the Mediterranean region and empower them to promote cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and counter stereotypes and discrimination.


  • 2023

    XIX. - France - Young People as a Lever for Transforming National Societies
    Watch video
  • 2022

    XVIII. – Portugal – “Towards peace, mental health and non-violence”
    Watch video
  • 2021

    XVII. Virtual – eAtlantis
  • 2020

    XVI. Virtual – eAtlantis
    Watch video
  • 2019

    XV. Montenegro - “Promoting Humanity and Raising the Voice of Youth
    Watch video
  • 2018

    XIV. Spain - “Fostering sustainable environments”​
  • 2017

    XIII. Cyprus - “Innovating Volunteering, empowering"
  • 2016

    XII. Croatia - “Time to Engage: Youth Action in Crisis response and Peace‐building”​
  • 2015

    XI. Portugal - Youth Volunteering: Challenges and Opportunities to Make a Change”​
  • 2014

    X. Italy - “Engaged Youth for Stronger National Societies” ​
    Watch video
  • 2013

    IX. Bosnia – Herzegovina - “Saving Water. Saving Lives.”
    Watch video
  • 2012

    VIII. Andorra - “Youth across the borders: Principles and Values for stronger communities”
  • 2011

    VII. Tunisia - “Young Volunteers in Action”
  • 2010

    VI. France - “Mediterranean: Values in Action”
    Watch video
  • 2009

    V- Mehdia, Marocco - “Moving to preserve the environment”
    Watch video
  • 2008

    IV. Serbia - “A space to develop RC/RC young humanity”
  • 2007

    III. Syria
  • 2006

    II. Istambul, Turke
  • 2005

    I. Fasano, Italia