

CWB - Calculadora Pedagógica Huella de Carbono

Pedagogical carbon footprint calculator


Within the framework of promoting actions to mitigate climate change and reduce our environmental impact, the CCM has launched a pedagogical tool to calculate the organisational carbon footprint.

Available in English, French, Spanish, Italian and Croatian. Possibility to tailor the Pedagogical Calculator to your National Society's needs - contact us! 


Click here to discover REDuction

CWB - Online safety toolkit

Online safety toolkit


Within the framework of raising awareness about human trafficking and with the aim of promoting actions to reduce risks on the Internet, the CCM launches a tool to strengthen the digital skills of young people and their ability to use social networks in a responsible and safe way.
Currently available in English, contact us if you need more information!

Click here to dicover the "Online safety toolkit"

CWB - Lanzamiento del Nuevo Campus Virtual!

Launch of the new Virtual Campus!

A new online learning space with the training courses of the Centre for Cooperation in Africa and the Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean delivered through the Spanish Red Cross platform.

  • Human trafficking (EN, FR, ES)

  • Climate change and the environment (EN)

  • Logistics (EN)

  • Information management 

This platform also provides National Societies with the opportunity to tailor courses and adapt them to their volunteers and staff, as well as to participate in e-learning courses with other National Societies.

CWB - Sensibilización sobre los riesgos de la trata de seres humanos

Online course on the Risks of Trafficking in persons

Introductory online course that will enable you to acquire basic knowledge about what trafficking in persons beings is (and what it is not) and its complexity, the Movement's approaches, its role and levels of response, and the issues to consider when taking action. On the other side, the course also provides tools for the trainees to organise and develop awareness-raising actions.

*5 hours duration


CWB - Cambio climático y acciones de mitigacion

Online Course on climate change and mitigation actions

By taking this online course you will be able to strengthen knowledge on climate change, humanitarian consequences and impacts, strategies to address the climate crisis with a focus on mitigation, and in particular on the strategic and operational response framework of the RC/RC Movement

*Only avaible in English

*10 hours duration


CWB - Genero y Diversidad

Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI)

An online mini-course to introduce the Protection, Gender and Inclusion approach, within the framework of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.


*Only avaible in English.

*2 hours duration

Titulo - Eventos


CWB - Preparando el próximo Campamento Mediterráneo de Juventud Atlantis!

Training on Protection, Gender, and Inclusion

The training on Protection, Gender, and Inclusion, hosted by the Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, took place from July 2nd to 4th in Sarajevo. This event was a pivotal occasion for our Mediterranean network to gather in person, learn, share, and discuss the importance of incorporating the PGI approach into our work and projects.

The overall objective was to enable participants to understand the key elements of PGI and their implications across various areas of our work. We had the opportunity to benefit from the expertise of our colleagues from the Albanian Red Cross, the Croatian Red Cross, and the Red Cross of Montenegro, who facilitated the training.

We extend our gratitude to the Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina for hosting and co-organizing this highly successful event.


Mediterranean Youth Camp Atlantis XIX

After an inspiring week of learning and sharing, the twentieth edition of Atlantis came to an end on 2 October with the participation of 32 youth from 17 Mediterranean National Societies.   

Through both workshops and participatory sessions prioritizing active and experiential learning, we addressed the following topics: mental health (with a focus on psychological first aid and peer to peer support), leadership skills, climate change, social innovation and online safety. 

 All sessions aimed at both improving their personal and professional skills as well as learning from each other by sharing their experiences.  

We thank the Hellenic Red Cross for organising Atlantis and facilitating some sessions of the event together with the valuable support of facilitators from the Italian Red Cross, the IFRC Psychosocial Centre and the Spanish Red Cross. 



14th Mediterranean Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

  • 12 - 15 June 2023 in Cairo (Egypt)


Titulo - Recursos Audiovisuales

Audiovisual Resources

CWB - Campaña Seguridad Digital

Online Safety Campaign (2021-2022)

Launched on July 30th 2021, on the occasion of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, this campaign aims to raise awareness on the opportunities and risks of the digital environment and to invite young people to strengthen their digital skills and to continue contributing to it.


Download the campaign here:



CWB - Campaña sobre los Riesgos de la Trata de Personas

Online Awareness-raising Campaigns on Trafficking in Persons (2020 – 2021)

Campaign developed jointly with Mediterranean National Societies on myths and facts surrounding human trafficking to raise awareness and reduce the risks of human trafficking. Campaign disseminated throughout the Mediterranean region and available here in different languages..


Download the campaign here:




*To download the campaign in other languages, please contact:

CWB - Connectivi-Tea

25 November: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

There are many types of violence. Although some of them are clearly visible such as feminicide, sexual assault or physical abuse, many others are invisibilised. Control over your partner, using a sexist language, hypersexualizing, etc. are types of violence that we see and experience on a daily basis.  

Acknowledge all forms of violence against women and girls. None of them should be questioned.

What do you know about 25N and violence against women and girls? Check it out by clicking here.


25N from Área Conocimiento Educación on Vimeo.

CWB - Video Dia Europeo Contra la Trata de Seres Humanos

EU Anti-Traffiking Day vídeo

Human Trafficking is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights. Every year, thousands of men, women, and children fall into the hands of traffickers in their own countries and abroad. Almost every country in the world is affected by human trafficking.


CWB - Video Protección, Género e Inclusión

Video Protection, Gender and Inclusive video

Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) describes the approach and the way of working of the Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies to address the causes, risks and consequences of violence, discrimination and exclusion in an integrated way. You will find it briefly explained in this video:


CWB - Video Inclusión Social

Social Inclusion Video

The Croatian, Spanish, Hellenic and Italian Red Cross share best practices in gender and diversity mainstreaming. Discover them in this video:


Diverse pathways for inclusion:



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