


Migrants, refugees, asylum seekers or other displaced populations face countless risks in the hope of finding safety and protection in another region or country, exposing themselves to to increasingly dangerous routes.

CWB - Migración en el Mediterráneo

Regardless of their legal status, people are always rights holders, also when they are on the move, and are entitled to protection. The rights of these individuals are not left behind once they cross a border. 

In this regard, Mediterranean National Societies carry out different actions to ensure safety, dignity and well-being of the people on the move.

The Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean following the resolutions of the Mediterranean Conference, supports National Societies through strengthening their capacities in the field of migration. Indeed, the CCM in promotes spaces for collaboration and exchanges to reinforce technical skills among volunteers and staff from the National Societies of the Mediterranean involved in migration programmes.

The Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean is also actively engaging with relevant actors in the RCRC movement to ensure coordination, collaboration and complementarity at both international and regional levels. 


CWB - Otros pasos

Main Activities

RCRC Mediterranean Platform on Migration

One of the key appointments of the Centre has been the meetings of the RCRC Mediterranean Platform on Migration, where National Societies discussed the needs and ways of assisting people on the move through the region at the different stages of their migratory journey, departure, transit and arrival. 

Both meetings of the Platform and the exchanges of experiences, aimed at strengthening the capacities of Mediterranean National Societies, sharing information and exchanging good practices and working tools through the peer-to-peer approach. 



Online Sessions


In response to the situation generated by Covid-19 initiatives and online spaces for information, training, reflection and exchange were opened, allowing for greater outreach.

The main webinars and workshops organised by the Centre focused on addressing the Movement's approach to migration and displacement. Non-cognitive participatory online sessions were also developed with the aim of experiencing, on a personal level, some of the vulnerable realities and situations faced by migrants, refugees and displaced persons, in order to foster empathy and a culture of non-violence and peace.