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Social Inclusion - Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean

Social Inclusion

Social Inclusion

Social Inclusion

The National Societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in the Mediterranean carry out daily multiple actions in favor of groups in vulnerable situations, to promote changes that improve their quality of life and strengthen their autonomy, as well as their active inclusion in society. 


To do so, the approach of Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) is at the front and centre of their work. PGI emphasises the importance of jointly addressing those interrelated factors that increase or decrease risks and consequences of violence, discrimination, and exclusion. It integrates an intersectional analysis of how each individual is affected in a different way, by shocks and crises; a person-centred approach that entails considering and understanding a person’s specific needs, capacities and protection risks.

Main areas of work

Nested Applications

Nested Applications




The work of the Mediterranean National Societies covers a wide range of activities, such as the coverage of basic needs, the management of reception centres, legal accompaniment, support for access to employment and education, actions to address loneliness, among others, focusing on people in situations of extreme vulnerability, older people, children in social difficulty, people with disabilities, deteinees and former deteinees, people on the move, women in social difficulty and any group in vulnerable situation.

The Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean supports the members of the Mediterranean Conference to foster cooperation and capacity building in the area of social inclusion, through the exchange of experiences and good practices, information and training actions, together with the development of materials and tools.


Main Activities


Gender and Diversity Training

This training aimed to promote the gender and diversity approach in the structures, culture and ways of working of National Societies, framed in the IFRC Gender and Diversity policy (2019), in line with the Sarajevo Declaration (2019) and with the Resolution 5 adopted at the 33rd International Conference of the RC/RC.



  • To promote reflection on gender and diversity and how to support its institutionalisation and mainstreaming in all our actions.

  • To raise awareness of intersectionality and its aspects.

  • To share experiences among Mediterranean National Societies.

  • To disseminate International RC/RC Movement policies, strategic frameworks and tools related to gender and diversity.

Video on the dissemination of good practices


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