
Trafficking in persons

Trafficking in persons

Trafficking in persons

Human trafficking threatens the dignity and integrity of the person, endangering their lives and physical safety. It is a serious crime that involves the violation of human rights and affects more than 21 million people around the world.

CWB - Trata de Seres Humanos


Trafficking is exacerbated in emergencies as outlined in the IFRC’s Minimum Standards for Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) in emergencies ,and the COVID-19 pandemic crisis has been no exception, having a far-reaching and long-term negative impact on trafficked and exploited persons.  

Mediterranean National Societies carry out actions according to the needs identified in their contexts, the presence of other actors and referral systems, their means and capacities. Their responses are operationalised at all or some of the following levels: awareness-raising on the risks of trafficking and measures on how to reduce them; assistance and protection to trafficked persons; humanitarian diplomacy

The Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean supports and promotes initiatives to raise awareness and promote better knowledge about human trafficking among National Society volunteers and staff, specific groups and the general public. It also promotes joint actions between National Societies to strengthen collaborative and networking work - in particular by supporting the Mediterranean group of young educators and trainers - and maintains close contact with ATN (Action for Trafficked persons Network – European Red Cross National Societies).

CWB - Curso en línea sobre la Trata de Seres Humanos

Main Activities

Online safety toolkit


Within the framework of raising awareness about human trafficking and with the aim of promoting actions to reduce risks on the Internet, the CCM launches a tool to strengthen the digital skills of young people and their ability to use social networks in a responsible and safe way.
Currently available in English, contact us if you need more information!

Click here to dicover the "Online safety toolkit"




Online course on raising awareness on the Risks of Trafficking in persons


This is an introductory course developed jointly with the Mediterranean network of trainers, based on materials created by the Red Cross of Serbia.

The aim of the course is, on the one hand, to acquire basic knowledge on what trafficking in persons beings is (and what it is not) and its complexity, the Movement's approaches, its role and levels of response, as well as the issues to be considered when taking action. On the other hand, the course also provides tools for the trainees to organise and develop awareness-raising actions.

CWB - Sesiones Interactivas

Online campaigns


Online Safety Campaign (2021-2022) launched on July 30th 2021, on the occasion of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, aims to raise awareness on the opportunities and risks of the digital environment and to invite young people to strengthen their digital skills and to further contribute to it.


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On-line campaign (2020-2021), jointly developed with Mediterranean National Societies, on myths and facts surrounding human trafficking to raise awareness and reduce the risks of human trafficking. The campaign was disseminated throughout the Mediterranean region and it is available here in different languages.


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Interactive sessions

Informative sessions and exchange of experiences and tools rolled-out by Mediterranean National Societies and other organisations regarding the work carried out in different contexts and with different target groups. These sessions aim not only to better understand this phenomenon, but also to promote the interest of the participants to continue working at different levels of response such as education, assistance and protection, according to their context and reality.




  • 2023

    Technical support to the “Awareness raising on the risks of Human Trafficking” training. Albanian Red Cross (24 participants)
  • 2022

    Trafficking in persons meeting: “Vulnerabilities along the migratory route” – Red Cross of Serbia (32 participants – 8 NSs)
    Watch video
  • 2021

    New edition of the introductory online course on the Risks of Human Trafficking
  • 2020

    1st Introductory online course on the Risks of Human Trafficking (2 Editions), developed in collaboration with the trainers' network.
  • 2019

    Training of trainers on THB awareness raising – Albanian Red Cross (20 trainers – 7 NSs)
  • 2018

    Training of educators on THB awareness raising – Croatian Red Cross (26 educators – 10 NSs)
  • 2017

    Training of educators on THB awareness raising – Portuguese Red Cross (27 educators -9 NSs) · Translation of the THB Manual into Portuguese
  • 2016

    1st Training of trainers on THB awareness raising based on the initiative of the Red Cross of Serbia (26 trainers-12 NSs)​
  • 2015

    Informative sessions and exchange of experiences and tools rolled-out by Mediterranean National Societies and other organisations regarding the work carried out in different contexts and with different target groups. These sessions aim not only to better understand this phenomenon, but also to promote participants' interest and commitment to continue working at different levels of response such as education, assistance and protection, according to their context and reality.